To strengthen the likelihood of positive legal case outcomes and ensure the successful integration of a client into their new community, RAICES formally launched integrated social services case management in 2018 as part of our holistic approach to care.

Case management is a process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote client safety, quality of care, and cost effective outcomes.

Saeni Rodriguez
Case Management Program Manager

I arrived in this country at the age of five years old. I want my clients to have more than I had, which is why I make sure they have the resources and support they need as they navigate the country’s immigration system.”

In establishing client social services support plans, our case managers consider Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and prioritize provision implementation based upon a scale from Critical to Low urgency.

  • Expected Timeframe to Contact Client: Immediate

    Description: Client is facing imminent harm

    Case Management Services Available: Connect to emergency services; continue to follow up with emergency services and advocate for client

    Examples: Life or death, suicide attempt, physical/sexual abuse, child abuse, severe and/or life-threatening bodily harm, runaway

  • Expected Timeframe to Contact Client: Within approx. 24–48 hours

    Description: Client is facing significant loss and basic necessities are not being met

    Case Management Services Available: Crisis intervention; ensure client’s basic needs are met; create client service plan and explore options with client

    Examples: Eviction, Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement, no food/utilities at household, non-life threatening self harm, asylum interview travel plan

  • Expected Timeframe to Contact Client: Within approx. five to seven business days

    Description: Client is struggling to meet basic necessities and requires assistance toward a long-term solution

    Case Management Services Available: Conduct needs assessment and create client service plan; connect client to community resources and/or advocate for client

    Examples: Medical program application assistance, sponsor conflict, food pantry assistance, mental health evaluation assistance, court accompaniment, financial planning

  • Expected Timeframe to Contact Client: Within approx. 30 days

    Description: Client needs connection to a community resource that is not an urgent necessity

    Case Management Services Available: Conduct needs assessment and create client service plan; connect client to community resources and/or advocate for client

    Examples: Explore higher education, DMV assistance, parent-teacher conference, appointment assistance